Greetings from the District Administrator Friedel Heuwinkel

Dear organizers, sponsors, as well as orienteering participants,
In numerous sports, physical activity as well as team spirit and discipline have priority. Besides speed and clever tactics, orienteering requires more from the participants: concentrating on the surrounding area. In this way, mind and body are challenged, which results in fun of play and movement in sports.
Inherently, orienteering is a sport of every age. Sports in general begin in the mind. She who feels fit and healthy mentally, will also be in harmony with herself physically, which altogether amounts to a content human being. A further factor that speaks in favour of this sport is the involvment in nature. The run takes place outside in the green, where sounds and odours from the open landscape accompany and encourage the participant. The orienteer works her way to the finish with the help of a compass and confirms her presence at every control with an electronic dibber - the principle seems similar to treasure hunting! With this, the sport includes a further array of excitement for the runner, who is on her own for the time being and chooses the optimal route for herself. In sprint orienteering in particular, the route choice is the crucial factor for the desired success, since the runner does not have time for long considerations due to the high running speed.
With full excitement I am looking forward to the German Sprint Championships 2014 in our Lippe area and in our neighbouring town Bad Lippspringe, which is already involved int the preparations of the 2017 German Flower Show. In this context, I thank everyone who organises and supports this athletic event and next to all voluntary helpers, my special thanks is due to Professor Nikolaus Risch, president of Paderborn University, who assists in public relations with all his heart.
Cordial greetings,
Your District Administrator
Friedel Heuwinkel